How To Add Custom Domain To Blogger Blog

Have you an existing blog website on the Blogger platform and want to know How To Add Custom Domain To Blogger Blog?

If yes, then you should also have a custom domain for your website. By default, when you create a blog on Blogger, you would get a subdomain, but Blogger gives the option to add a custom domain name to your Blogger website.

I will explain how you can add a custom domain to the Blogger blog in an effortless way.

Most popular domain registrar like GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc., has powerful DNS management system and so you can easily connect domain name to Blogger.

But there are some new registrars or some registrars that do haven’t a good DNS management system, and if you want to and some extra records (except Name Server) then, they prompt you to upgrade to Premium DNS.

For DNS management and connecting a custom domain to Blogger, I am going to use Cloudflare CDN.

So, I have written an article about ‘How to Add Domain on Cloudflare and Increase Performance with CDN.’ Check out.

Create A New Blog On Blogger

To add a custom domain to Blogger, you need to create a new blog website, and if you already have a blog on Blogger, then all you need to do is add a custom domain.

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Step – 1. Click on New Blog

Create New Blogger Blog form The Dashboard

Step – 2. Choose Blog Name

Give a Name to your blog website

Step – 3. Choose Blog URL (Subdomain)

Choose Available Subdomain URL name for your Blogger Website

Add Custom Domain To Blogger

Adding custom domains is relatively easy on the Blogger platform if you add step by step to the custom domain’s DNS records. You can use platforms like Cloudflare to easily manage all your domains in one place. However, in this tutorial, I will manage my domain name from the Cloudflare platform itself.

Step – 1. Open Blogger Setting

Blogger Website Settings

Step – 2. Add Custom Domain

Click Custom DOmain on Publishing Section

After opening the Blogger website setting, you must scroll down to the “Publishing” section and click on “Custom domain” to add a custom domain.

Enter Custom Domain Name

When you add a custom domain to the Blogger blog, it will show an error with CNAME records. You need to collect the records and add the CNAME records on your Domain registrar’s DNS management.

CNAME Records

Step – 3. Add CNAME Records To DNS Management

Add CNAME Records to Domain

Step – 4. Save Custom Domain

CNAME Records

Step – 5. Enable Redirection

Enable Redirection

When you enable redirection, then your Blogger subdomain will be redirected to the custom domain. If your audience directly visits your site, just using a non-www URL will be automatically redirected to the website’s www version URL.

Enable HTTPS For Blogger Custom Domain

The HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, and if you have noticed on the URL box of your browser when you visit a secured website its shows up a lock sign on your browser URL box. That means that a particular website is secure to browse, and it makes trust-bond with your audience and helps in SEO.

So, for the Blogger platform, users can get FREE SSL certificates from Google for all the websites, which are hosted on the Blogger platform.

When you create a blog on the Blogger platform without connecting a custom domain name, HTTPS will automatically enable it. But in case you have added a custom domain name to your Blogger blog website, then you have to enable HTTPS manually.

Step – 1. Open Blogger Setting

Blogger Website Settings

Step – 2. Enable HTTPS


FAQs About ‘How To Add Custom Domain To Blogger.’

How do I add my GoDaddy domain to Blogger?

Adding a GoDaddy domain name to Blogger is very simple. First, you need to log in to your GoDaddy dashboard and then open your domain’s DNS manager. Before adding any DNS record, you need to retrieve your Blogger custom CNAME records.

For that, you need to open the Blogger blog’s settings and try to add a custom domain to Blogger. When you hit the ‘Add’ button, there will be an error with CNAME records, and you need to collect the records and return your GoDaddy DNS manager and add CNAME records to GoDaddy.

Can I use Blogger with my own domain?

Yes, you can use your domain name for Google Blogger. For adding a custom domain name to Blogger, you should add CNAME records to DNS management.

Do I need hosting for Blogger?

No, for the Blogger website, you don’t need any web hosting. Even if you haven’t a domain name, it’s okay. The Blogger platform gives a free subdomain with each new blog.

Can I earn money from Blogger?

Yes, you can earn money from a Blogger blog. You can sign up for Adsense, and if your blog fulfills the requirement of Adsense, you can start generating revenue.
On the other hand, you can do affiliate marketing and also can generate massive revenue from it.

Is Blogger really free?

Yes, Blogger is free to use. But when you start earning from Adsense through the Blogger blog, you will have to pay some percentage of your earnings.

Which is better, Blogger or WordPress?

Both platforms are excellent in their own way. Blogger has a minimalistic interface and the least customization, and other hand, WordPress is highly customizable and more suitable for SEO.


Blogger is an excellent platform for beginners and those who haven’t formal knowledge of web development. Blogger is a simple CMS, and there you need to create a blog website and then start to write. Check out the article ‘How to Start A Blog – Beginner’s Ultimate Guide.’

You will get some pre-installed templates for customization, and if you want more attractive templates, then just Google blogger templates, and you will get tons of free responsive blogger templates.

Blogger platform is very easy to customize and maintain, no need to worry about web hosting or traffic spikes. Blogger is based on Google cloud services.

If your site gets unusually bad traffic, then Google automatically filtered it out. Websites that are hosted on the Blogger platform are hackproof.

I personally recommend those beginner bloggers who have no blogging experience use the Blogger platform. It’s free, and you can generate revenue by using Adsense.

If you also connect a custom domain to your blogger website, it would be great for SEO and your brand visibility.

So, follow the steps given above to add a custom domain to blogger, and if you are facing any problems, and have suggestions, then throw your thought in the comment box.

Pronay Sarkar

I am Pronay Sarkar, I love to write about tech and stuff.

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